When you need expert advice from experienced Occupational Therapist specialists, call us first.
Why choose us?
We work quickly and effectively so that your cases are easier to manage and swifter to resolve.
Trust us for:
- Flexible support from the very beginning
- Recommendations about care, equipment and adaptations
- Expert reports for present and future needs
When cases are settled
Having reached a settlement, we understand the need for a period of consolidation after the demands and stresses of the litigation process.

Our ‘Stop and Check’ service is tailored to your client’s needs and has been designed to support the child, their family and financial deputy when circumstances change or they are ready to move on to the next stage.
It ensures that the existing support and resources reflect the child’s requirements and that the child’s and their family’s needs are being met appropriately.
This may be due to:
- No further Case Management requirements
- A change in the child’s presentation, equipment or therapy support
- A change in circumstances e.g. the transitional period between primary and secondary provision, leaving school, moving house
- Specific adaptations to the home
- A specific need arising and you’re not sure how to proceed e.g. a school trip, travelling on public services
- A need to make sure that equipment is still appropriate and safe to use
- A need to revisit and develop further staff training as teams change or reinvigorate an established team
- Support to check current provision is consistent with best practice
- Clinical support to challenge local provision
- Required therapeutic intervention and a need to address whether it is still appropriate
‘Stop and Check’ appointments can be held either at school, home or both, depending on the need and the most appropriate setting.
"I have today received an email from the LA agreeing to make and maintain an EHCP for A. I am waiting for formal confirmation, but this is brilliant news and we are obviously delighted!
I want to thank you for everything you have done to get us to this point. I strongly believe that the LA have made the right decision, and that A now has a much better chance of getting a proper education.
I just wanted to thank you in particular for turning your report around so incredibly quickly. I really do think that's what swung it for us, and I am incredibly grateful."
HF Associate Solicitor - London Jan 2016
Find out how we can help by calling 01664 567917 or contact us.