Going abroad this summer??
Blogger Pip Else - Paediatric OT
29th July 2016
Some tips to help when going abroad
Sometimes going abroad can be scary for kids and parents because everything is new therefore, preparation is key.
Ideas for in the airport
- Gatwick airport have a Lanyard system for those with hidden disabilities see the link: https://mediacentre.gatwickairport.com/press-releases/2016/16-05-19-new-lanyard-launched-to-assist-passengers-with-hidden-disabilities.aspx
- Autism Awareness at Manchester Airport, see the link: https://www.manchester-airport-guide.co.uk/disabled-facilities.html
- If you are flying from a different airport, make sure you call or access the website as they may have a similar system in place.
- Being on the aeroplane can be very strange as it affects our vestibular system.
- Furthermore, for those who are over responsive this can be a very frightening experience.
- Make sure you calm and organise your child with deep pressure and calming activities.
- See the link for tips when flying for those with sensory processing difficulties https://nspt4kids.com/parenting/8-tips-for-flying-with-a-child-with-sensory-processing-disorder/
Holiday destination
- Holiday preparation for children with Autism, see link: https://www.autism.org.uk/About/Family-life/Holidays-trips/preparation
- Accessible holiday locations for children with physical disabilities, see link: https://special-needs-kids.co.uk/holidayindex.htm
let us know how this helps, happy holidays