
Hilary - Advanced Paediatric Occupational Therapist

A kind Health Visitor highlighted OT as a profession, when my dual roles as 1st time mum & engineer in the oil industry caused me reflect on the value of “occupational balance” for parental well-being.!

I began in hospital-based adult OT, but soon I wanted to “just try” Children’s OT, to know a little more about the development of play/motor skills as key childhood occupations.

So, here I am over a decade later, still privileged to now use my creativity and determination - not only in seeking to understand participation challenges in family daily activities and routines via a range of child-centred, occupational perspectives - but also to identify tailored OT approaches to promote the goals and priorities of each child/ young person and family that I have the privilege of working with.

It is so exciting to see how our interventions promote not only occupational progress but the chance for great fun together for parent and child.
