CTS Strapline

Access to Learning

We provide essential therapy to support Accessing to Learning within educational settings including specialist, mainstream, and independent schools such as academies and privately funded institutions.

Why is therapy needed to access learning?

"If a child is to succeed in life, it is crucial they are provided with the essential developmental skills.

Without these skills, it is difficult for a child to understand themselves and the world they live in. Their world will be chaotic, confusing, and one where it is difficult to effectively function and problem solve.

If a child is finding life generally confusing, how will they access school and the curriculum successfully…and how do we expect them to learn?"

R Bradley, Director
Children’s Therapy Solutions ©

At Children’s Therapy Solutions, we can provide support both in the school and home in:

  • Problem-solving the environment to make it easier for the child to develop and learn.
  • Educating teaching staff though programmes and giving advice on how to balance the required education curriculum with the necessary development skills to enable learning to progress.
  • Breaking down and building up functional performance to enable a child to participate and become an integral member of the class.
  • Providing the ‘just right’ equilibrium for a child to learn effectively.
  • Checking whether a child qualifies for special education and is able to receive Occupational Therapy in school.
  • Advising on home tutoring with assessment to support the potential to return to education by devising tailored return to school programmes.

“It needs to be acknowledged that the Occupational Therapist interventions have been highly valued and that Children’s Therapy Solutions Ltd has provided excellent service over the last 2 years.”

Local Educational Authority
South West Region

Find out how we can help by calling 01664 567917 or contact us.