
Back to School?

Blogger Pip Else - Paediatric OT

24th August 2017


Back to School? Are you ready? Are they ready? Readiness and preparation is the key to starting back to school, especially when transitioning into a new school or new class.

Here are some things to think about when sending your child off to school, especially if they struggle with communication:


Is transportation to and from school secured? Do you have a picture of the transport; this might help them feel prepared.




Is your child's IEP (Individualised Educational Plan) in order, maybe start to look at some of the targets and see what activities you could also be doing at home?




Do you know your child's teacher(s) and therapist(s)? Try to get pictures of them so that you can have a book of photographs to prepare your child.






How will you communicate with your child's teacher(s) and therapist(s)? Through a daily communication log? Through weekly notes or a phone call?



How does your child communicate? Using pictures? Sign language? Simple words and phrases? Make sure the teacher(s) and therapist(s) know how to best communicate with your child. Make sure they thoroughly read your child's IEP and that they understand the strategies that are to be implemented into your child's educational plan.




Is there any important medical info about your child that needs to be shared with your child's educational team?



Secondary School:

Moving to a secondary school can be daunting, help your child to understand who they can talk to in school, this might be the pastoral team, the learning mentor, or they might even build a relationship with the receptionist. Help them to undertsand often we need to find someone for emotional support.



Yes, its true, it really does work, rehearse things with your child, make a timetable and get them to work out what lessons they have when by asking them different questions, ask them questions like ‘how was your summer?’  ‘what did you do?’

Most of all praise your child, help them understand their strengths and challenges in order to become self aware.



Hopefully we have given you some ideas for how to prepare for the return to school. Let us know your thoughts and please do get in touch by emailing on or calling on 01664 567917

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